Nature is the Best Teacher
At Reflection Riding, we value the importance of inquiry-based learning. Through everything from Nature Experiences to Field Trips, our team strives to spark curiosity at every stage of life.
Thinking Outside the Box with Turtle SAFE
North American turtles face rapid decline due to a number of factors, including the illegal pet trade and international smuggling. As a founding member of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE) American Turtle Program, we currently care for eight box turtles who have been rescued through the program.
Sparking Curiosity Through Outreach
In response to community demand, we expanded our outreach programs and greatly increased our public engagement efforts.
Tribute to the Treehouse
Writing about our George S. Bryan Discovery Forest Treehouse, Nancy Dorman Hickson said: “Kids instinctively understand the magic of a tree house.” But many people over the years—not just kids—have felt the magic of our treehouse and its impressive, three-trunked Overcup oak (Quercus lyrata).
Native Plant Apprentice: Emma Boice
Emma Boice reflects on her time as a Native Plant Apprentice this past summer.
Native Plant Apprentice: Shandelle Clifton
Shandelle Clifton reflects on her time as a Native Plant Apprentice this past summer.
Red Wolf Summit 2024
As a partner of the American Red Wolf SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction), we sent our Wildlife Curator, Taylor Berry, to the annual summit meeting this summer to discuss conservation efforts. Read on to learn his key takeaways!
Tracking the Wood Thrush with Motus
Have you noticed a tower fitted with antennas beside our office buildings? This special device is a Motus tracking station suited for scientific research–namely, tracking migratory animals. Read about Dr. David Aborn’s journey tracking the Wood Thrush using Motus.
Our Best Summer Yet
And, that’s a wrap! This year at Summer Camp at Reflection Riding, sponsored by Local 3 News and Rock/Creek, we had an amazing time with all kinds of nature discoveries and play! We are so thankful for our campers, who made each moment extraordinary.
Kym Martin Saves Monarchs
Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) are beautiful wonders of North America. During their southerly migration in late summer, we welcome them to our campus, where they can feed at two waystations filled with milkweed. Kym Martin is a monarch enthusiast who manages the two stations and has big plans for their future!
Restoring an Imperiled Bog Ecosystem
Last week, our land management team ventured to the southern Blue Ridge Mountains to aid in the restoration work of an imperiled Southern Appalachian bog ecosystem. Read on to see the collaborative work being done to restore this bog.
See Wildlife at Rock City
We are proud to be partnering with Rock City this summer season during their Mountaintop Summers events. Our wildlife team and animal ambassadors are making a show-stopping appearance as they share the importance of native animals with the public in an all-new educational show.
George S. Bryan Discovery Forest Treehouse
It is with a sense of nostalgia and deep gratitude that we announce our beloved Overcup Oak has reached the end of its natural life. This tree makes up the heart of our George S. Bryan Discovery Forest Treehouse. Read on for a tribute to this mighty oak.
Journey to Summer Camp
Summer Camp at Reflection Riding is officially here, and we could not be more excited! Each week of June has brought a new adventure, from tromping in the woods to coming face-to-face with a native animal ambassador! We have had such a great time exploring nature with our campers, and we look forward to what July will bring!
Students of Landscape Management
Thanks to generous support from United Way, Reflection Riding has partnered with Howard High School to engage their students in conservation work and establish a career pathway in conservation and native landscape management. This past January, we hired two Howard students as Native Landscape Management Apprentices, and we’ve been so grateful to have them on our team! Read on for an update of their experiences in environmental stewardship!
Philp Memorial Garden
The P. Robert Philp Memorial Garden is a beautiful woodland collection of ericaceous plants on our campus that honors the late Percy Robert “Bob” Philp, Sr. Follow the ridge-line as you journey west from our entrance, and you will come upon this sanctuary of stunning blooms. Read on for the history of the garden and its future.
Tribute to Todd
We are sad to announce the passing of Todd (or Toddy), our red fox, a valued member of our team since he arrived in 2016. Over the years, he has been an amazing ambassador for his species. Our Learning and Engagement Specialist, Tish Gailmard, has shared many special years with Toddy. Read more to learn more about her perspective on Todd’s journey.
A Day in the Life of a Summer Camper
What does a typical day at our summer camp look like? Here are some things that could occur during Chattanooga’s Best Outdoor Summer Camp.
Can I Ride at this “Riding”?
The name Reflection Riding does not refer to horses; in fact, our namesake originates from our roots (quite literally). Read on to learn more about our namesake.