Thinking Outside the Box with Turtle SAFE

North American turtles face rapid decline due to a number of factors, including the illegal pet trade and international smuggling. Reflection Riding is a founding member of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE) American Turtle Program. We share challenges such as illegal poaching, the loss and fragmentation of turtle habitat, road mortality, and nest predation with the public and help advocate for keeping wild species wild.

When law enforcement encounters an illegally poached box turtle, the SAFE partners go into action. Local aquarium staff begin with health and wellness, ensuring proper hydration and nutrition. Extensive biosecurity measures limit the spread of disease. Once cleared, turtles enter care facilities, often in nature centers such as our own, until their original home range is located through genetic testing. Native animals deserve to thrive in their natural habitat. However, some turtles cannot be re-released and will continue to receive long-term care with us. Thankfully we have seen a recent reduction in the illegal turtle trade. As part of our participation in the SAFE program, we currently care for eight box turtles. In the nationwide effort, Turtle SAFE currently cares for 301 rescued box turtles.


Nature is the Best Teacher


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