Students of Landscape Management
Thanks to generous support from United Way, Reflection Riding has partnered with Howard High School to engage their students in conservation work and establish a career pathway in conservation and native landscape management. This past January, we hired two Howard students as Native Landscape Management Apprentices, and we’ve been so grateful to have them on our team! Keep reading for an update of their experiences in environmental stewardship!
As the end of the school year approaches, summer is upon us! The upcoming season promises excitement as our Native Landscape Management Apprenticeship kicks into high gear!
In June of 2022, we were granted generous support from United Way to provide high school students from The Howard School with a career pathway in conservation and native landscape management. After much preparation, we hired our first two apprentices this past January—Jahore Vann and Blandy Lopez!
Jahore joined our team through a recommendation from his environmental science teacher. He has a visible passion for the environment and is often caught picking up litter. His supervisors, Ailani Ramirez-Pineda and Emily Jackson, remember when he ran to save tadpoles that were beeching themselves by a pond. As a nature-lover, he enjoys the sights and fresh air of the outdoors. When asked what brought him here, Jahore said, “[The apprenticeship] was better than working at Taco Bell, and it was outside.” That’s a win-win, right?!
Blandy has rediscovered her love for the outdoors through the apprenticeship. She applied for the position because she knew it would be a great opportunity to help out her family. After spending time with us, Blandy realized an outdoor job was meant for her and wants to continue her professional journey here. During the school year, she works hard in classes so that she can attend college in the coming years. As an environmental steward herself, she is happy to be a part of change.
Blandy and Jahore gear up for landscape management!
When they’re not busy with schoolwork, these two have been engaged in native landscape restoration! Our apprentices tackle invasive species on our campus, such as bush honeysuckle and privet! Recently, they have also been introduced to more plant identification. Jahore and Blandy help with tasks around our campus, like working the s’mores station at our Campfire Concerts (one of their favorite activities!). During their time here, they also learn professional development skills through team-building exercises, public speaking, mock interviews, and elevator pitches. Our apprentices have also built a strong bond with each other, and Jahore even calls Blandy his “work sister”.
Since their first day, these two have been accomplishing amazing things! Their teachers at Howard have noticed a significant shift in personal growth. Both students are becoming more confident and will go out of their way to help classmates. Here at Reflection Riding, we’ve noticed their boost of courage, too! We’re so proud of you both, Jahore and Blandy!
This summer, Jahore and Blandy plan to spend more time with us as they enjoy the school-free season. Ailani and Emily hope to share more aspects of environmental non-profit work with our apprentices as they grow into leaders themselves. Just last week, Jahore shared the incredible life history of periodical cicadas with his fellow classmates! Looking ahead, they may even begin leading volunteer groups and training future apprentices.
The Native Landscape Management Apprenticeship brings awareness to a unique career field for those who enjoy nature and the outdoors. For many students, it can be difficult to know what career options exist. As Ailani says, “If you aren’t exposed to the field, you won’t know it’s out there.”
Our mission at Reflection Riding is to connect our community with nature, so we hope to continue and expand this partnership for many years to come. Now that we have established a strong foundation with the teachers of Howard, there is only room for growth. While we eagerly await the grant renewal period in June, please consider donating to support our apprenticeship program. With your generosity, we can continue guiding the next generation of environmental stewards.
Jahore also wants everyone to remember this: “Reflection Riding is a great place to visit, and everyone should come to visit.”
Blandy prepares s’mores for a Campfire Concert!
Jahore learns about Sandhill Cranes with his classmates!