Gum Spring Creek Restoration
At Reflection Riding, conservation and restoration are at the heart of everything we do. As part of our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, we’re excited to announce that we’re undertaking a significant streambank restoration project on Gum Spring Creek.

Kym Martin Saves Monarchs
Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) are beautiful wonders of North America. During their southerly migration in late summer, we welcome them to our campus, where they can feed at two waystations filled with milkweed. Kym Martin is a monarch enthusiast who manages the two stations and has big plans for their future!

The American Chestnut Tree
The American chestnut tree, Castanea dentata (C. dentata) was once one of the most dominant tree species of deciduous forests in the eastern United States. The effort to restore the American chestnut species involves developing American chestnut populations that are resistant to blight.