Renew: Nurturing the Connections with Wildlife

At Reflection Riding, our commitment to environmental stewardship is renewed daily through the healing and nurturing of local wildlife. This vital work cares for individual animals and strengthens the delicate web of life that sustains our entire ecosystem. Wildlife Naturalist Brianna Taylor embodies this mission of renewal, forging deep connections with both the animals in her care and the natural world that we all share.

"I always knew since I was a young girl that I wanted to work with animals," Brianna reflects. "I think that all kids are obsessed with animals when they're young. My obsession just never went away." This childhood passion would eventually lead her to Reflection Riding, though not directly to the wildlife program she now spends her time on.

Brianna's journey here began in Land Conservation, then took her through our Native Plant Nursery before finally bringing her to Wildlife—a path she intentionally crafted while pursuing her biology degree. 

Among her most treasured memories is the moment she gained the trust of Ember, our red-shouldered hawk, training her to perch on her gloved hand. "There is nothing like having these animals learn to trust me enough to be that close to me, put the equipment on her, and take her around other people," she shares. "I enjoy the bond I have with these animals."

Beyond her role as a wildlife naturalist, Brianna embraces an equally important calling: motherhood. "I always tell everyone that being a mother is my first job and if my first job comes calling, I have to go handle it." Far from seeing these roles as separate, she finds they enhance each other. "I will say that caring for living beings translates across all things... I feel like I'm a better caregiver to the animals because I'm a mother."

When asked why protecting nature and wildlife matters, Brianna's response reveals the philosophical foundation of her work: "Nature is important to me because I am a part of it. I feel like a lot of the time, as people in our society, we separate ourselves from nature, but we wouldn't be anywhere without nature." She emphasizes the critical importance of local wildlife conservation: "Our local wildlife is part of our local ecosystem. If we are not taking care of our wildlife, then the health of our ecosystem declines."

Through Brianna's story, we see how personal passion, professional dedication, and maternal instinct combine to create a powerful force for wildlife conservation and education at Reflection Riding. Her journey reminds us that renewal isn't just about the natural world—it's about nurturing the connections between all living things.

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