Virginia Bluebell
Native Plants Allie English Native Plants Allie English

Virginia Bluebell

The Virginia Bluebell (Mertensia virginica) is a herbaceous perennial wildflower. These flowers share the first blooms of the season and beckon early pollinators, such as long-tongue bees and hummingbirds.

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Trillium, Woodland’s Bloom
Native Plants Allie English Native Plants Allie English

Trillium, Woodland’s Bloom

The Trillium is an icon of Southern Appalachia. A plant of many names (Wakerobin, Toadshade, Wood Lily, and more), Trillium spp. accounts for nearly 50 species in the family Melanthiaceae. As a woodland spring ephemeral, this plant shares some of the first blooms of the year!

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Eastern Hemlock, True to Appalachia
Native Plants Allie English Native Plants Allie English

Eastern Hemlock, True to Appalachia

The Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) has a quiet resilience like none other. These gentle giants reside in sheltered cove forests of the Appalachias and promote their local communities through temperature regulation, shelter, and food availability. Read on to learn about the biggest threat to their population.

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American Mistletoe
Native Plants Allie English Native Plants Allie English

American Mistletoe

American Mistletoe (Phoradendrum leucarpum) is a broadleaf evergreen that continues to shine past the holiday season. Often a symbol of love and peace in the human world, this plant serves a much more complicated role in ecology.

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Eastern Red Cedar
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern Red Cedar is a confusing name for this species, since it’s a juniper, not a cedar. Juniperus virginiana is native to the eastern half of the United States and southeastern Canada. Many of us have seen this tree around our neighborhoods or along roadsides but may not have paid much attention to it. However, it’s a valuable member of our flora.

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Carolina Rose
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

Carolina Rose

Carolina Rose – Rosa Carolina – is a member of the Rose (Rosaceae) family and is a perennial, deciduous, shade-loving flowering shrub that has many 2-3-inch flowers from June through August. Of course, if given full sun, it will produce a myriad of large, pink blossoms. It is native to the eastern and central United States and grows to a height of 3 to 6 feet tall and a diameter of 5 to 10 feet.

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Coral Bells, American Alumroot
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

Coral Bells, American Alumroot

Coral Bells – Heuchera americana – A gardener’s workhorse and a centuries-old classic, the Alumroot/Coral Bells are a native genus of wonderfully attractive, clump-forming, herbaceous perennials in the highly diverse Saxifrage family - Saxifragaceae. Generally hardy from USDA zones 4 through 9, some species are adaptable in zones 3 through 11; alumroot/ coral bells are as reliable as they come in the plant world.

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Muhly Grass
Native Plants Guest User Native Plants Guest User

Muhly Grass

Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris) is a perennial native grass that has become a very popular addition to many gardens and landscapes. Its most common name is Muhly Grass. The genus Muhlenbergia is in the grass family, the Poaceae. It is often used as an accent plant in gardens, as filler for disturbed areas, or in large groups for a visually stunning effect. As autumn approaches, Muhly Grass takes center stage when it bursts forth with its wispy purple/pink spikes of flowers.

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Dawn Redwood, a Living Fossil
Native Plants Guest User Native Plants Guest User

Dawn Redwood, a Living Fossil

Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) is closely related to Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) – both being in the Cypress family, the Cupressaceae. What’s perhaps most fascinating about Dawn Redwood is its discovery, after a botanist discovered a fossil and thought this tree extinct. Come see our “living fossils!” They’re beautiful at all times of the year, and their buttressed and furrowed trunks are a sight to behold.

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Fothergilla - Witch Alder
Native Plants Guest User Native Plants Guest User

Fothergilla - Witch Alder

Fothergilla or Witch Alder – (Fothergilla major and other species) – both the dwarf and the standard species add beautiful autumnal color to any garden. These species (F. gardenia and F. major) are native to the southeastern portion of the United States. They are in the witch-hazel (Hamamelidaceae) family and produce white, showy, fragrant, bottle-brush flowers from April through May. The fruits ripen in mid to late autumn. Fothergilla produces two seeds contained in a capsule that, after drying on the stem, will explosively rupture to send the seeds to the nearby environment.

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Strawberry Bush
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

Strawberry Bush

Strawberry Bush – Euonymus americanus – is a deciduous, perennial shrub native to the southern and mid-Atlantic US. It grows to a height of 4 to 12 feet with a similar diameter and makes an excellent background or specimen in the landscape.

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Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.


Sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum) is a semi-evergreen large shrub or a small tree that is the tallest of the blueberry Genus and grows in the southern United States. Its bright, glossy leaves will turn red to burgundy in the fall, and many will hold on most of the winter. One of its best characteristics is its exfoliating bark, with rich grey, brown, orange, and red often all present on older plants. In late spring or early summer, plants with decent sun become covered in showy, white, bell-shaped flowers. Its heat and drought tolerance are legendary once it is established, and it is one of the most handsome understory native species we have.

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White Wood Aster
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

White Wood Aster

White Wood Aster – Eurybia (Aster) divaricata – is an herbaceous perennial found in the eastern U.S. This plant, with lush green foliage and dark stems, is hard to beat in summer. Then, in the late summer, one tiny white bloom will appear, then two more, until it is covered with white blooms that last for more than a month. Like many asters, it blooms when few other plants do and is invaluable as pollinator forage and for people who enjoy the blooms. Remember this, and never plant a garden without some asters!

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American Smoketree
Native Plants Guest User Native Plants Guest User

American Smoketree

Once abundant in the Southeast, the native American Smoketree (Cotinus obovatus), was detrimentally harvested in large quantities to extract dye during the Civil War Era. The heartwood of the smoketree is a vibrant yellow-orange color that was used in soldiers' uniforms and sashes. Today, it is rare to see a native smoketree in the wild, even on our 300-acre property. One of our only specimens resides on the eastern side of our Upper Pond.

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Yellow Anise
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

Yellow Anise

Yellow Anise – Illicium parviflorum – is a member of the Schisandraceae and is a large, dense, evergreen shrub native to Florida and the lower southeastern United States, but it does well in Hardiness Zones 6b through 9. it is extremely deer and rabbit resistant, is insect-pollinated, and provides shelter for birds and other wildlife. Yellow anise is in a class of its own: native, evergreen, fast grower, easy to grow, does well in shade.

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Wax Myrtle
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

Wax Myrtle

Wax Myrtle – Morella cerifera – is a member of the Bayberry (Myricaceae) family. It is an evergreen large shrub/small tree, growing to 20 feet high and 15 feet wide. Wax myrtle is one of a handful of our native evergreen shrubs that is easy to grow. For those of us who primarily use natives, the demand for evergreens is a challenge, and wax myrtle is one of our best options. It has very inconspicuous flowers, and its leaves and stems have a spicy, aromatic fragrance when they are crushed. In a pinch, its fragrant leaves can be used as a natural bug repellant.

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Aromatic Aster
Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D. Native Plants Charlie Belin, Ph.D.

Aromatic Aster

Aromatic aster, Symphyotrichum oblongifolium, is one of our last blooming native flowers providing pollinator forage late into October, when there is little else available. Like many other asters, its blooms are a joy for people who are missing the vast flowers of summer. The leaves, when brushed lightly, release a pleasant fragrance, as the name suggests.

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Giant Ironweed
Native Plants Guest User Native Plants Guest User

Giant Ironweed

Giant ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) is common statewide, usually in mesic pastures, fields, and thickets. It is considered a facultative wetland indicator plant, meaning it is equally likely to show up in wetlands as in non-wetlands. The nectar of giant ironweed attracts a wide variety of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, and the blooms make for great butterfly watching. It is best used as a background plant in a larger naturalized planting.

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