Save the Endangered American Red Wolf

Save the Endangered American Red Wolf
The American red wolves at Reflection Riding are ambassadors for their species and valuable contributors to the captive breeding program with three litters born on-site over the years and hopefully more in the future. These vital and beautiful animals help us understand the challenges American red wolves are facing and the importance of their restoration.
The American Red Wolf is the most endangered canid in the world with approximately 27 individuals in one wild recovery area in northeastern North Carolina and a captive population among participating institutions.
The American red wolf population began declining over many years from predator control programs, human interactions, and habitat loss. In 1980, the American red wolf was declared extinct in the wild. In 1987, through captive breeding efforts, the species was re-established in the wild.
Approximately 220 American red wolves are living in captive breeding facilities, including the population at Reflection Riding. As a member of the Red Wolf Species Survival Plan since 1996, Reflection Riding is one of 44 wildlife sanctuaries, zoos, and nature centers that assist with the long-term care of, planned and captive breeding of, and public education about American red wolves. With concerted conservation efforts from these dedicated cooperators, the American red wolf will remain protected and will continue to be part of our landscape.
Red Wolf Species Survival Plan
Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center is a proud participant in the Red Wolf Species Survival Plan (RWSSP), a program designed to ensure the long-term survival and security of the American red wolf. We are one of the 40+ wildlife sanctuaries, zoos, and other facilities that participate in the RWSSP by assisting with the long-term care of, planned and captive breeding of, and public education about red wolves.
The six endangered red wolves who live with us right here in Chattanooga, TN not only contribute to the captive breeding program but also serve as ambassadors for their species to help our guests and supporters understand the significant challenges these canids face. In the words of Red Wolf Review, "Public understanding of red wolves is crucial to their survival as a species."
Surprisingly, our participation in the RWSSP comes with no federal, state, or other government financial support.
As a result, we must come together to support this project as a community. The survival of the red wolf depends upon our continued care, feeding, and maintenance of these wolves' health in captivity.
Learn More
We encourage you to continue reading about American Red Wolves online, but please be sure to check the credibility of your sources — as with any controversial issue, there is a lot of misinformation online! Below are some great starting points for reading more: