Reflections from a Native Landscape Apprentice
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Reflections from a Native Landscape Apprentice

This semester, Reflection Riding is hosting four fantastic Native Landscape Apprentices: Drake, Henry, Mayson, and Madison. They have become an important part of our team, battling invasive plant species across our campus and restoring this beautiful landscape. Here, Mayson writes about their experiences doing this work, along with their fearless leader, Byron Brooks - our Invasive Species Specialist. Special thanks to the Benwood Foundation for making this project possible.

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Returning Native
Native plants Dylan Hackett Native plants Dylan Hackett

Returning Native

Native plants in the yard can offer significant respite from many of the woes of lawn maintenance and ornamental gardening, propping up and supporting native biodiversity, while also saving you time and resources. An action as simple as converting your lawn and gardens to a thriving ecosystem can be one of the most impactful and important initiatives each of us can do for the environment.

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Hospitality Association Brings Project Full Circle
Native plants, Volunteers Guest User Native plants, Volunteers Guest User

Hospitality Association Brings Project Full Circle

In 2020, a group from the Hospitality Association volunteered at Reflection Riding, pulling Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) in our new Playscape area. Many of the volunteers from last year’s Trail Day returned this year and planted 120 native Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) to restore and help re-forest the area they had previously cleared. We enjoyed seeing the project come full circle and can’t wait to see the Spicebush swallowtails that will have a field day in that area!

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Coyote Logistics Volunteers Clear Invasive Species
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Coyote Logistics Volunteers Clear Invasive Species

Invasive species management is a daunting and ongoing task. We thank the volunteers of Coyote Logistics for spending Earth Day with us and helping to remove Chinese privet and restore habitat for native plants and wildlife.

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