Reflection Riding | Chattanooga nature center, native plant nursery & historic open space

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The Importance of Leaf Litter

There are many different names for leaf litter, including litter fall, soil litter, tree litter or duff, but it’s all the same thing. Leaf litter is simply the dead material that has fallen from a plant (most of the time from trees and shrubs) to the ground. Easy enough, right? Only it’s much more important and beneficial than it sounds. This detritus can be added to the top layer of soil in gardens or plant beds, often known as the O horizon, and provides many nutrients for the plants and animals that may dwell amongst them. 

This decomposing material helps flora and fauna alike in ways might not always be seen. This plant litter serves as excellent nesting and protective habitat for many of our dirt dwellers, such as slugs, snails, worms, centipedes, and millipedes. Spiders and beetles are also known to call this compost home, as well as hibernating furry friends such as bats and other small mammals. Birds are also a main beneficiary of leaf litter, using the materials for nesting and an all-you-can-eat buffet of bugs, slugs, and other insects.

Leaf litter can easily be added to the compost pile, or just as simply to your native garden that’s starting to go dormant. Adding duff to beds and planters can improve the soil as well as the health and growth of any plant. Although not as high in nutrient content as compost, letting leaves accumulate will allow the nutrient content to eventually add up. Too much work? Don’t worry, leaving leaves where they fall is the one of the healthiest and least labor intensive ways to tend to your landscape.

Fall doesn’t have to be a dreaded time of the year anymore. Serving a vital and important role in the landscape, leaf litter can make your life a lot easier and the garden team with healthy plants. Being mindful of what you add to and produce from your garden is a great and easy way to help the environment, your community, and your family in fun and interactive ways. Not to mention, it’s virtually free and requires less time than raking! So put down that rake and garden on, Chattanooga, and remember that leaf litter is our friend! 

By Jonathan Wilson