Reflection Riding | Chattanooga nature center, native plant nursery & historic open space

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Growing Our Network Thanks to You, Our Supporters

Our supporters have turned out in full force to support Reflection Riding’s work at several events over the last few months... and we want to take a minute to thank you, our supporters. We had a birthday party for Winnie at Massey’s Kitchen that was a real hoot. You packed out our campus to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and see the English premiere of Un Nuevo Pasado (Someday Soon), a short documentary filmed by local filmmaker (and amazing Reflection Riding board member) Pablo Mazairegos! We’ve had another successful season of Campfire Concerts - even in rainy weather you showed up to listen to live music and enjoy campfires, beer, and s’mores with friends and neighbors. We also had an exclusive poetry reading by poet Erika Roberts at one of our concerts of a brand new poem inspired by Erika’s experience at Reflection Riding. And earlier this month, nearly 40 supporters and Black Creek residents joined us at the A.Perry Model Home to learn about our progress towards the Framework for the Future. Check out the photos below for what we’ve been up to.

Thank you for showing up and showing your support for Reflection Riding! When you invite your friends and introduce us to them, these events help us meet new people who fall in love with our work to reconnect people with nature. We are grateful for you!