Reflection Riding | Chattanooga nature center, native plant nursery & historic open space

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Forest Homeschool Wrap-Up

On December 15th, we officially wrapped up our first semester of the new-and-improved Forest Homeschool program at Reflection Riding. We invited our families to gather for a holiday celebration before winter break and it was ridiculously fun getting everyone together…particularly when it was funny face time!

As we finish up this year, we can’t help but look back at all the fun things we did! Scroll on to see some of our biggest hits.

This semester with these incredible students has been an absolute blast. We can’t wait to grow our minds and create more memories in 2023! If you know someone that might like to join us on our adventures? Registration is OPEN for spring! Sign up now to give your child this unique learning experience in the forest in 2023.