Reflections from an Administrative Intern

When I applied for the position as an Operation and Administration Intern, I don’t think it had an official title yet. It was an idea founded on Reflection Riding’s commitment to supporting the next generation of nature-oriented enthusiasts wanting to learn skills relating to the nonprofit world. What started as an idea ended in a valuable summer-long internship where I worked with an incredibly passionate group of nature-lovers.

Right now, I am a Junior in college majoring in Global Studies and Government. While I have no idea where I will end up after graduation, I know that I would like to be involved in nonprofit work that aligns with my interests in sustainability and human rights. Naturally, being a part of this internship was the first step in the right direction. 

Throughout my time here, I took on a variety of projects. A few of my favorites included helping with fundraising outreach, nonprofit research, and editing articles, but you can’t forget all the many small things that add up to run such an influential organization. This summer, I gained an invaluable skill set that will help me not only with my future career, but with life skills in general. 

While here, Reflection Riding began their summer campaign, Here Comes the Sun, in order to fund solar panels and other sustainable improvements on campus. Being here during this time enabled me to learn so many new things about fundraising, sustainability plans, and donor outreach. Who knew it takes so many postage stamps to run a campaign! As I am writing this, we have almost reached our goal in just a few short months- not a small feat and definitely indicative of the dedication, hard work, and passion that this team has for Reflection Riding and the natural world as a whole. 

My time working with Mark, Heather, Mary, and Jessie has been one of the most valuable experiences I have had in my professional development. Despite my short time here, the Administrative team was quick to share their knowledge with me and seek out additional opportunities to help me learn new skills. Whether it be in one-on-one conversations or in grant-writing meetings, they always took the time to explain terms and to teach me more about running a nonprofit. Having a team that supports your individual goals and what you want to accomplish is truly special, and I am incredibly thankful to have spent my summer here. 


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