American Red Wolf (Canis rufus)
Born: April 4, 2014, at Dan Nichols Nature Center in Salisbury, NC Arrival Date: October 19, 2018, from Dan Nichols Nature Center in Salisbury, NC
Colbert is an extremely charismatic animal who could be considered the “court jester” of our pack with his playful antics. He curiously watches his caretakers, which is not ideal behavior. Our ultimate goal is to have the American Red Wolf populating its natural habitat. As a cooperator with the Red Wolf SAFE program, one of our goals is to maintain Red Wolves who are behaviorally fit for release into the wild. Red Wolves should be shy and wary of humans. Colbert’s genes are underrepresented in the current population, making him the most genetically valuable wolf in the Red Wolf SAFE program.
Colbert is not visible to the public. However, you may have the opportunity to see him during behind-the-scenes tours, except for breeding season (January-April).