American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
Born: estimated April 1, 2014 Arrival Date: August 14, 2024, from local rehabber
As an American Kestrel, Clyde represents North America’s smallest falcon. He only weighs 97 grams, which is significantly less than a baseball. Rescued with his sister Bonnie from an attic space as babies, the two have imprinted on humans. Their caretaker’s attempt to release them into the wild was futile because they would not assume independence. Although the two siblings have the same upbringing, their demeanors could not be more opposite. Clyde is more reserved and laid-back than Bonnie, making him a great candidate for static programs.
Clyde is currently in training and will soon enter our program rotation, which means he is a possible candidate for our educational wildlife programs. We believe in the animal’s consent, so we will only bring out an ambassador who feels up to the challenge for any given program.