
American Red Wolf (Canis rufus)

Born: April 28, 2016, at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, WA Arrival Date: December 5, 2022, from Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, WA

Juniper is a very shy wolf. The facility where she was last housed was closed to the public, so she was not regularly introduced to visitors. Like her mate, Juniper has never produced pups. 

Juniper’s arrival at Reflection Riding is one to remember. Our Wildlife Curator, Taylor Berry, planned to meet Point Defiance halfway across the country to exchange wolves. A snowstorm occurred the week before, inhibiting the Point Defiance team from crossing a mountain pass. Taylor was instead flown to Washington State, where he exchanged one wolf for three. On the return to their new homes, another storm caused flight plans to change. Juniper was dropped off in Chattanooga, and then Taylor had to accompany the other wolves to their new homes as a wildlife specialist. Long story short, Juniper is our jetsetter.

Juniper is not visible to the public. However, you may have the opportunity to see her during behind-the-scenes tours, except for breeding season (January-April).