Reflection Riding | Chattanooga nature center, native plant nursery & historic open space

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Patriot the Red Wolf


It is with great sadness that we announce Patriot, Canis rufus, passed away at Reflection Riding Arboretum and Nature Center on March 1, 2022, at the age of 13 years, 10 months, after a brief challenge with cancer. 

Patriot was born May 4, 2008 into a litter of five, sired by red wolf 974 and dam 1126 at Salisbury Zoo in Salisbury, Maryland and given the studbook number 1718. As a member of the Red Wolf Species Survival Plan, he was transferred to different facilities based on the needs of the population - some red wolves move a few times and some move many. At 1.5 years old, he transferred to Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge in South Carolina. At 3.5 years old, he transferred to North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro. At 6.5 years old, he transferred to Chehaw Park and Zoo in Albany, Georgia, where he sired two litters.

Patriot arrived at Reflection Riding at 12.5 years old with a coat of fur that was a beautiful vanilla color with undertones of red, gray, black and brown. When he arrived, we all remarked how unusual his coloration was and that we’d never seen a red wolf with a coat like his. He was a large, striking individual. 

In early December 2021, a mass in his mouth was discovered and subsequently monitored. In early March, the mass had significantly grown and was found to be cancerous.

Just prior to his death, he participated in a reproductive study with the Smithsonian Conservation Institute helping researchers understand more about male reproductivity.

Even at his advanced age, he still had a lot of moxie. Patriot was always visible in his enclosure, often found soaking up rays and howling with gusto. When we had to catch him for vet work, he could be difficult, but it was something we admired in him. He was mostly laid back and enjoyed spending time with his companion, Sequoyah, whom he got along with very well. He enjoyed many types of food and was always awake at lunchtime, eagerly awaiting his next meal.

He is preceded in death by his parents, red wolf 974 and 1126 and is survived by one brother, red wolf 1717; two sons, red wolf 2107 and 2145 and four daughters red wolf 2146, 2147, 2148, 2150 and lots of cousins.

He sired two litters, totaling 10 pups.. His son, red wolf 2145, will be released into the recovery area in March 2022 to help bolster the wild population and hopefully sire many litters.

Patriot will always be remembered for his unusual, beautiful coat color and laid back style. He leaves behind a legacy of strength, endurance and vitality.