A Week at Cullowhee Native Plant Conference

The Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones graciously sponsored our Native Plant Nursery Manager, Haley, to attend the famous Cullowhee Native Plant Conference that occurred July 19-22, 2023! Because of their generous support, Haley spent the week exploring the floristic biodiversity of Southern Appalachia with some of the most revered ecologists and botanists in the field. Upon returning, she brings with her new knowledge and regional partnership opportunities to further serve our mission in Chattanooga and beyond. 

One of the oldest plant conferences in the US, the Cullowhee Native Plant Conference began in 1984 with funding from the TVA. It has been uniting the native plant community of the southeastern US every year since, championing the use of native plants in landscaping and ecological restoration. The conference is held at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina—just south of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Over a few days packed with field trips, workshops, lectures, and social networking opportunities, the conference provides a forum to share knowledge and enthusiasm about native plant propagation and community ecology. 

Here’s what Haley had to say about her time there:

Cullowhee will change your life” is what they told me, but I could not have imagined or conceived of how true this statement would become until attending my first Cullowhee Native Plant Conference. As a passionate naturalist and native plant grower, my hunger for a more ecologically focused community has finally been satiated upon meeting 450+ other native plant obsessed hobbyists, researchers, and professionals. There's magic in the mountains, indeed, but the magic of Cullowhee is found in the passionate conversations and collaborations amongst the attendees. Over the course of the week, I met new lifelong mentors, colleagues and most importantly- lifelong friends. From botanizing endemics of the vertical bog to black-lighting for moths until midnight, there was not a dull moment to be found throughout the whole week. I found it surprising to encounter only two types of people at the conference: 1) People who were attending for the first time and 2) People who have attended every single year since their first conference. I can say with confidence that I am also committed to Cullowhee for life! Who wouldn’t want to attend an annual botanical summer camp for adults? I left Cullowhee as a better ecologist, botanist, naturalist, horticulturist and human being.” 

Thank you again to TN Valley Wild Ones for sponsoring Haley to attend this impactful conference!


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